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Our pledge to all of our customers is that we will always offer a fair price.

Does this mean that we will always have the lowest price? No, not always.

Will our price always offer good value? Absolutely!

If you are an airport or contractor, your price will be determined by the OEM or representative/distributor who provides them to you. The moderate markup that these organizations charge should not be considered just as a cost to be eliminated, but from the point-of-view of the value you are getting for this money in addition to the product itself, such as:

A complete package of products for your project.
Consolidated shipments to minimize freight costs.
Technical assistance
Local presence, knowledge, and language
Pricing based on buying larger amounts than your needs
Prices in local currencies
Importation to your country
Credit terms

We believe that a careful look at these services will convince you that you are getting good value for your money.

Please contact one or more of the organizations in our where to buy section for estimates or detailed pricing.